انتهت صلاحية الوظيفة

A Well-Known Hospital located in ( Alamria – ALEX) is now hiring
(Operations & Administrative Manager)
1-Administrative duties such as keeping inventory of medical equipment and supplies, setting staff schedules, updating and maintaining patient records, and being an information resource for patients and healthcare workers
2-Financial duties such as ordering medical supplies; managing the revenue cycle; and overseeing patient billing, claims, and reimbursement
3-Managing the healthcare facility’s policies and procedures, ensuring that best practices are followed, and resolving cases where the facility is out of compliance
4-Finding innovative ways to optimize the level of healthcare while also reducing the facility’s costs
5-Developing departmental goals and objectives for workers to improve the patient experience
6-Recruiting, training, and supervising healthcare workers.
Job Requirements:
1-Experience: – 10 years.
2- Private healthcare sector experience is a must.
3- Bachelor’s Degree in administration is preferred.
4- Presentable
5-Proficiency in Excel, Word, PowerPoint
7-Strong analytical skills and an affinity for numbers.
9- Excellent communication skills.
10- ALamria residence preferred.
11- Age: – 35 : 50

We have the honor to receive your CV at
[email protected]

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