انتهت صلاحية الوظيفة

FlyEgypt is hiring IT Helpdesk, Job description as follows:
• Domain Controller (Domain creation, Users account, group policy, DNS, DHCP, installing and configuring Printers).
• Run maintenance for all printers (xerox & Hp).
• handle all windows issues, troubleshooting, Microsoft Office, applications and all software issues.
• Backup and restore deleted files using (exec backup, Veeam).
• Installing, configuring and troubleshooting office 365.
• handling all paperwork related to the IT Department.
• Handling HW issues.
• CCTV Cam Troubleshooting
• support in Purchase of needed IT devices, equipment, accessories as approved by the head of IT

Main requirements
• Bachelor’s degree of computer science or information technology or related field.
• 1 to 3 years of experience.
• Fluency in English.

to apply please send your resume to ([email protected]) and state IT Helpdesk in the subject

  • انتهت المدة المحددة للتقديم على هذه الوظيفة!
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رسالة الموقع

يهدف موقع أفضل وظائف. كوم لتقديم أفضل خدمات التوظيف للشركات والباحثين عن عمل بأسهل طريقة وأقل وقت.

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