تجميعة وظائف في مصر بتاريخ اليوم 13-10-2022.. “تخصصات ومؤهلات مختلفة”

انتهت صلاحية الوظيفة

تجميعة وظائف في مصر بتاريخ اليوم 13-10-2022.. “تخصصات ومؤهلات مختلفة”

– يرجى قراءة الإعلانات جيداً قبل التقدم لأي وظيفة.
– يمنع منعاً باتا دفع اي رسوم او اي مبالغ نقدية مقابل اجراء المقابلات او مقابل التوظيف.
– كمل لأخر الصفحة في وظائف كتير تحت.

الوظائف المتاحة:

مودريتور- Moderator

محتاجين مودريتور فوراً لشركة في مدينة نصر
شباب او بنات
العمل من مقر الشركة في مدينة نصر
الانجلش يكون كويس جدا
خبرة سنة على الاقل

للتقديم يرجى ارسال الcv على الايميل [email protected]
او واتسآب 01226038644
مع توضيح المسمى الوظيفي Moderator – مودريتور عند الارسال


كول سنتر (تلي سيلز)

مطلوب فوراً موظفين كول سنتر (تلي سيلز) لشركة تعمل في مجال البن (القهوة)
– خبرة من 2 الى 5 سنوات
– لغة انجليزية ممتازة
– مؤهل عالي
المرتب: 3500 أساسي + 4000 عمولة (7500 اجمالي)
مكان العمل: مدينة نصر
ترسل السيرة الذاتية على الايميل: [email protected]
subject: Telesales


sales agent

Telegraph company for shipping is looking for (sales agent)
Gender : Female only
Education: Bachelor’s Degree
0- 2 year Experience
Good in English.
Good in Excel
Work Location: Alexandria – ibrahmia
Day Off: Friday
Working Hours 10am to 6 p.m
If you are interested please send your cv
[email protected]


فنيين وعمال

تعلن شركه ميماتك حاجتها لتعيين الوظائف التاليه:-
١- (٤ فنيين تخصص الكترونيات).
٢-(٢ عامل نظافة).
٣-(٢عمال للتجميع).
٤-(٢ عامل لماكينة السحب).
٥-(١عامل لمكاينه السحب الافقى).
٦-(١ عامل لمكاينه السحب الرأسى).
يفضل من سكان مدينه بدر ومدن شرق القاهرة
• السن لا يتعدى ٣٠.
•يوجد تأمينات اجتماعيه وصحيه .
•يوجد سكن للمغتربين.
– عدد ساعات العمل من ٩ صباحًا وحتى ٥ مساءًا .
– من يوم السبت وحتى يوم الخميس والجمعه اجازه اسبوعيه.
– مقر الاداره بشارع القصر العيني ومقر المصنع بمدينه بدر شرق الروبيكى .
برجاء ارسال السيره الذاتيه على الايميل
[email protected]
او على الواتس اب على رقم 01026909972
او الاتصال على رقم 01000675646


HR Generalist

Any recommendation for HR Generalist for a Company based in Sodic el tagmou3.
Main functions are ( payroll-personnel- recruitment)
Experience from 2-3 years
Salary range from 8k to 9k + KPI
Social and medical insurance
Fluent in English is Must
Preferred females

Kindly if you are interested please send your CV to email: [email protected]

and mention the job title in the subject bar.


Civil Engineer

#Real estate development company is #hiring the below positions:
-#Civil Engineer (#Tehnical Office & #Site )
#Experience 5:7
-#Electrical Engineer ( #Site )
#Experience 5:7
-#Architectural Engineer ( #Fenshing )
#Experience 5:7
#If you are interested please send your CV to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
#and mention job title in the Subject



مطلوب للإنضمام لأسرة We Care Academy

*English Teacher
*Home Teacher
*معلمة لغة عربية
*معلمة قرآن وتربية إسلامية
*اخصائيات نفسية و إجتماعية
*Admin & Secretary

* مشرفات
* دادات ذو خبرة

للتقديم برجاء إرسال ال CV أو البيانات كاملة على الماسنجر الخاص بالصفحة
أو إرساله على واتساب رقم 01012481188

العنوان: الزقازيق شارع الغشام الرئيسى



مطلوب عدد 2 كيميائيين جوده حديثي التخرج او خبره سنه
و 2 مهندسين انتاج
علوم قسم كيمياء
المجال هو انتاج منتجات من المطاط
المكان مدينه بدر
يوجد سكن
دا رقم واتساب للتواصل
[email protected]
لارسال السيره الذاتيه


Cost control engineer

Sinoma CDI is hiring Cost control engineer for immediate hiring in Sohag.
Job Responsibilities:
1. Responsible to control and monitor project total expenditure including verifying and checking of invoices and claims from suppliers, vendors and subcontractors to ensure that all project expenditures are captured and properly recorded.
2. Provide planning and cost controlling support for all projects which includes variation reporting, monitoring of milestone progress to the preparation of customer billing processes, etc
3. Perform and manage project activity scheduling and monitoring
4. Ensure effective project implementation and utilize productive reports from the creation with the use of a project management system to monitor the status of all purchases, invoicing and delivery up to the closure of the project.
5. Prepare monthly movement report for the monitoring of the activities on a daily basis, consumption and -related issues relating to the project promptly to the project manager and management.
6. Coordinate and work with the project management team to resolve project issues to ensure the delivery/completion of the project work.
7. Perform project costing related reporting to the team and management’s review on a monthly basis to ensure that expenditures are kept within the project budget.
8. Undertake any other ad-hoc duties as required.
Minimum Requirements
1. Degree in Engineering with specialization in Project Management or Cost Control related training.
2. From 1-2 years relevant and similar capacity in project estimating and cost control.
3. Technically strong in project cost planning, scheduling, and reporting.
4. Demonstrate strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
5. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills and meticulous
6. Possess good project background and technical writing ability and skills.
7. Mature, proactive, resourceful, and hands-on with good initiative.
Independent worker who is able to work well with minimal supervision.
8. Fast worker with the ability to work well under stress.
To apply, Send your Cv resume to [email protected]


مهندسين تشطيبات – مسئولي مشتريات

شركة جيك تطلب للتعيين:
١- مهندسين للإشراف علي أعمال التشطيبات
٢- مسؤلي إحتياجات ومشتريات – سابق خبرة في أعمال التشطيبات

يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على :
[email protected]


مدير فرع – طيارين ديلفرى – مسؤول لوجيستك – مراقب مخزون – محضر طلبات – منسق ممرات

مطلوب للتعيين فورا بسلسلة اكسبشن ماركت بفروعها فى أكتوبر ومدينتى
_ مدير فرع
– طيارين ديلفرى
– مسؤول لوجيستك
– مراقب مخزون
– محضر طلبات
– منسق ممرات

مواعيد المقابلة من 10 ص الى 4 مساءا عدا الجمعة والسبت
Email: [email protected]
ارقام التواصل :

العنوان للتقديم : 107 ز شارع الثروه المعدنيه – حدائق الاهرام – البوابه الاولى


مدير تنفيذ

مطلوب للتعيين بالشركة الاستشارية لادارة مشروعات التشييد (مدير تنفيذ).
متطلبات الوظيفة
 خبره من 10 الى 15 سنة
 بكالوريوس هندسة مدني او عمارة.
 القدرة على قيادة فريق العمل.
 القدرة على الاتصال الفعال والتفاوض وحل المشكلات.
الوصف الوظيفى
 الاشراف على اعداد خطط المشروع.
 تحديد العلاقات بين الاطراف المشتركة فى تنفيذ المشروع.
 متابعة تنفيذ انشطة المشروع واتخاذ القرارات المناسبة لاصلاح مسارات التنفيذ.
 مراقبة التكاليف واخاذ القرارات اللازمه للالتزام بخطة التكاليف.
ظروف العمل
 مكان العمل: مدينة هليوبوليس الجديدة
 مواعيد العمل 8:30 صباحاً الى 4:30 مساءاً
 وسائل مواصلات وتامين اجتماعى وطبي
ارسال السيرة الذاتية على [email protected] وكتابة المسمى الوظيفي بالموضوع.


IT Helpdesk

#BDO #Esnad is hiring #IT Helpdesk

Job Requirements:

– Minimum 1 year of exp. As an IT Helpdesk
– Windows #Server 2003, 2008 and 2012
– Office 2003, 2007,2010 and 2013
– #LAN #WAN troubleshooting
– #Active #directory and #Domain
– A working knowledge with #AD #DNS #DHCP
– #CCNA #MCSA knowledge

Interested candidates can send their CVs. at [email protected] with mentioning “IT HD” as a subject

Feel free to mention your friends!



We are #hiring for a multinational Engineering consulting company the following positions:

– Lead Architect Engineer (11~15 Yrs. of Experience)
– Senior Architect Engineer (8~11 Yrs. of Experience)
– Junior Architect Engineer (3~5 Yrs. of Experience)
– BIM Manager (12~15 Yrs. of Experience)
– BIM Coordinator (9~12 Yrs. of Experience)
– Structural Engineer (5~8 Yrs. of Experience)
– Senior Mechanical Engineer (9~12 Yrs. of Experience)
– Mechanical Engineer (5~8 Yrs. of Experience)
– Senior BIM Mechanical (5~8 Yrs. of Experience)
– Senior Electrical Engineer (10~15 Yrs. of Experience)
– Electrical Engineer (5~8 Yrs. of Experience)
– Senior BIM Electrical (5~8 Yrs. of Experience)
– BIM Technician (5~8 Yrs. of Experience)

(Experience with Engineering consulting companies is a must).

Interested candidates are most welcome to send their CVs to [email protected]


Senior MRP planner

Need to hire

Senior MRP planner ,should be Oracle user with 3 years exp
for FMCG Company in October city .

Salary :15 k

[email protected]


‎محاسب مالى

أحد الشركات الرائدة في مجال توريد المعدات الرياضية بالدقى

تطلب ‎محاسب مالى

خبرة لا تقل ٣سنين بنفس المجال
ارسال الcv علي الايميل :

[email protected]


Junior Flutter Developer

SDEX is hiring Junior Flutter Developer for immediate hiring with the below requirements:
-Experience Needed: from 1 to 2 Years.
-Must have contributed with at least three Android, iOS, apps with Flutter.
-Proficiency in Android development, iOS development, or both.
-Proficiency in either Java/Kotlin or Swift/Objective-C.
-Must have published at least 3 applications on app store and google play .
-Proficient command of English.

If interested, please send your updated CV to [email protected] with the job title in Subject and if your details meet all the requirements we will give you a call to arrange an interview.


HR Specialist

Brooklyn Business School is hiring now
HR Specialist
Location: Downtown_Cairo
Job type : Full time
o Posting job ads
o Shortlisting candidates as per requirements – CV screening, scheduling interviews, conducting interviews and shortlisting qualified candidates for final round
o Coordinating new hire paperwork, and new hire orientation meetings.
o Updating job descriptions, as needed.
o Coordinating and setting-up training classes or meetings.
o Human resource issues.
o Handling the onboarding process- introduction calls, formalities and documentation run through, dress code and induction of new joiners
o Updating and maintaining attendance and leave database
o Coordinating performance appraisal processes.
o Updating instructors as our plan
o All HR Function

Requirements :
– Bachelor Degree
– From 1-2 years experience in the same position
– Very good in English
– Resident in Cairo

If you are interested send your CV via message or to [email protected] with subject (HR YT)


Sales admin

I looking for Sales admin
– Real estate experience
– CRM Experience ” Engaz”
– Females Only
– El sheikh zayed residents.

Applying on [email protected]

Senior Payroll Specialist

BDO Esnad is hiring “Senior Payroll Specialist”

Location is Maadi

Job Requirements:
– Bachelor’s degree in accounting or any equivalent degree.
– 5-7 years of experience in solid Experience in the payroll function.
– Excellent English language
-Solid experience with ERP System
– Advanced and very solid Knowledge of MS Applications especially Excel
– Exceptional Communication problem-solving & interpersonal skills.
– Highly organized and detail-oriented

Interested candidates can send their CVs at [email protected] with mentioning the job title in the subject


Cyber security Expert Engineer


“Cyber security Expert Engineer”

Roles and responsibilities:

Configure AUTOSAR basic SW based on customer requirements
Design, develop and test complex device drivers and application SWCs based on ASPICE and ISO26262 processes
Design of AUTOSAR SWCs description with AUTOSAR modelling tools and UML tools
Bringing up complex embedded HW and SoCs
Integrate/Test Flash Bootloader based on OEM requirements.
Support and coach customers to integrate bootloader, cyber-security and AUTOSAR solutions
Troubleshooting BSW issues with customers


University degree in electrical/electronic or computer science engineering
+6 years at least of experience in automotive embedded systems
Very good knowledge of embedded C/C++
Very good knowledge of Crypto AUTOSAR stack
Working experience on Security process standards ISO/SAE 21434
Understanding on TARA, security concepts, PKI, KMS, security process in accordance with product life cycle
Strong Knowledge of automotive system and automotive communication like CAN, Flexray, Ethernet…
Experience in Vehicle Diagnostics (UDS, OBD…)
Experience with Functional safety for road vehicle ISO 26262
Knowledge on industry standard crypto algorithms
Hands-on experience on Embedded C with Exceptional Debugging and quick problem solving skills
Hands-on experience on tools like CANoe, VCS etc.
Very good practical experience of classic AUTOSAR solutions with Vector Davinci and/or Elektrobit Tresos toolchain
Good knowledge of agile methodology and tools like scrum and Jira/Atlassian toolchain
Knowhow of python or CI/CD is a plus
Fluent business English is a must
German is a plus
Kindly send your Resume “[email protected]


Infrastructure & Support Specialist

we are hiring Infrastructure & Support Specialist in well known company located in heliopolis
 BSc/BA in Computer Science, IT, or relevant field.
 Proven 1–3 years of experience as IT Infrastructure & Support Specialist
 Knowledge in system installation, configuration, and analysis
.  Experience with networks and cloud computing.
Interested candidates can apply by send CVS to :
[email protected]


Chief Accountant

“Chief Accountant” is required in a reputable Cosmetics company
Job location: Sheraton

·Supporting Accounts Payables & other Accountant for reviewing the Financial Accounting functions to ensure the accuracy of accounts.
· Maintain accounting up to date and posting all the accounts transactions
· Reviews all accruals for expenses
· Allocation of tool capitalization costs and general costs to projects
· Reviewing the bank guarantees, L/C’s and other banks documents before sending to the bank.
·Prepare monthly Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash flow, Statement of Equity
· Analytical reviewing for the petty cash expenses and others cost and to raise the report to the Group Finance Manager


· Bachelor’s degree in finance or accounting.
·Experience not less than 5 years
·Capability to provide timely and accurate management reporting

-If you’re interested kindly send your CV on [email protected] Mention the job title in the mail subject



Swedish Group EG is a leading company in the building materials field located in New Maadi looking for a powerful character person to fill important vacancies as follows:

* #Sales #Manager – with a strong background in the #architecture engineering field and not less than 15 years of experience in the same field.

* #Business #Development #Engineer – #Architecture background, Foreign university graduate, not less than 3 years of experience.

* #Sales #Engineer – #Architecture Background, not less than 2 years in the same field.

* Sr. #Marketing Spe. – expert in events and on-ground marketing with powerful knowledge of digital marketing.

if you are interested please send your #cv via #email with the job title mentioned in the subject:
[email protected]


Subcontractor Engineer


Job Title: Subcontractor Engineer

Job Requirements:
1- Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering
2- Minimum 6 years of Experience in steel detailing.
3- Very good at Tekla modeling is a Must.
4- perfect knowledge of ERP system.

Job Responsibilities:
1- Receive the Purchase request ( PRs ), contact / find the suppliers to provide the requested department with the requested materials within the delivery date in the PR.
2- follow up the status of the PRs and POs and act regarding delayed PR and / or PO to ensure the appropriate implementation of the procurement department’s SOP
3- Vendor Selection and Shortlisting Process.
4- Issue the PO for the approved offer ensure that they all SOPs then sign and report to thr concerned project manager for final approval to ensure the payment to the supplier through the finance department.
5- follow up with vendors the delivery and work execution based on the technical acceptance to ensure that the required materials match the project specs.

Location: Egypt, Cairo -Nasr city
Apply: [email protected]
Please only apply if you are fitting the Job Requirements mentioning the Job title at the Email Address.


Key Account Specialist

Plastic Manufacturing Looking for:
Key Account Specialist

Job Description
– Develop and maintain an effective relationship with existing customers
– Follow on daily basis customers inquires and different orders
– Follow up and handle with logistic department regarding receive & delivery of product and material.
– Coordinate with factory / CS to satisfy customers’ needs
– Ensure privacy and confidentiality of customer data in line with the company data security policies
– Reporting any information that might impact company image, brand or functioning
– Fulfill the customer’s needs and ensure high quality of service delivery
– Take notes at meetings and provide general assistance during presentations.
– Schedule meetings, screen phone calls, inquiries, requests, manages mailings and other administrative duties and handle them appropriately.
– Deal with internal and external communication channels.
– Follow up with Managers ongoing process
– Organizing and maintaining diaries and making appointments.
– Dealing with incoming emails, often corresponding on behalf of the manager.
– Producing documents, briefing papers, reports, and presentations.
– Organizing and attending meetings and ensuring the manager is well prepared for meetings.
– Manage and enhance relationships with the relevant internal & external company partners, associates and any other relevant organizations.

Job Requirements
– 3 – 4 Years of working experience in Key Account duties with a minimum of 3 years of experience dealing with Executive Management, preferably in the manufacturing or FMCG industry, in addition to a good experience in office management.
– Excellent command of English both written and spoken

If you are interested please send your CV [email protected]
And mention the position name in the subject line.


Infrastructure & Support Specialist

we are hiring Infrastructure & Support Specialist in well known company located in heliopolis
 BSc/BA in Computer Science, IT, or relevant field.
 Proven 1–3 years of experience as IT Infrastructure & Support Specialist
 Knowledge in system installation, configuration, and analysis
.  Experience with networks and cloud computing.
Interested candidates can apply by send CVS to :
[email protected]


Web Developer


Job type: #remote full time

A senior web developer is required to design and implement a new front-end web application by using reactjs and material UI frameworks, this UI application will be communicating with REST APIs (JSON) to read and store the data, the API and backend will be provided by another team. There are multiple UI modules in the application, but they all should follow the same architecture, design, look, and UX, so it needs to be designed with reusable components.

General Requirements
● Only Egyption citizens who currently live in Egypt.
● The work is completely remote, but may need to meet in person on some occasions.
● Can work on flexible work hours and dedicate some hours that overlap with EST time zone as needed.
● Excellent english and communication skills Required Skills

● 7+ years of professional experience designing and building web applications using JS, HTML, and CSS. ● Following agile development workflows, clean code, and coding best practices.
● 5+ years professional experience with react js, modern javascript, and ES6. ● Professional experience with using material UI with react JS.
● Professional experience with creating dynamic pages and application state management (possibly redux)
● Professional experience with creating responsive applications.
● Experience with writing unit test cases and integration tests case
● Professional experience with communicating with REST API services, and creating mockup services.
● Professional experience with creating UI mockups and designs using tools like Figma.
● Professional experience with designing applications that handles Internationalization and localization.
● Professional experience with build tools, packaging, and deploying the application to production.
● Great to have experience with Azure cloud services

please send your CV by message (preferred) or you can send it to [email protected]


Senior Logistics specialist

Hiring for FMCG company at October city .

Senior Logistics specialist (Export and Import ).

5 years of Experiences in FMCG
Excellent communication skills.
Very Good English.
Bachelor degree
fully aware with the updated import and export governmental regulations
Analytical Skills
Salary :15 k

[email protected]


HR Specialist

OPPO Egypt is hiring “HR Specialist”
Location: Qena

Main Job Duties:
-Preparing recruitment materials and posting jobs to appropriate channels
-Sourcing and recruiting candidates by using databases, social media, etc.
-Screening candidates resumes and job applications
-Conducting interviews using various reliable recruiting and selection tools/methods to filter candidates within schedule
-Preparing or updating employment records and documents related to hiring and terminating
-Responsible for the social insurance process.
-Responsible for the contracts’ renewal of the non-sales employees
– Follow up probation periods to proceed with termination if required.
– Manage the process of employees’ termination and suspension (resignations, end of contract…etc.) employees.
– Create payroll Work Sheets Templates on monthly bases

– Bachelor’s degree.
– Max Age: 26.
– gender : female
-Fresh graduates are welcomed, but HR personnel background is preferred.
-Good English and Microsoft office skills.
-Highly motivated and willing to learn
-Hard worker, passionate, and an excellent team player.
-Capable of handling multiple tasks with excellent results.
-Able to deal with different cultures and personalities.

If you are interested please send your updated CV to: “[email protected]” & Mention (HR Specialist) in the mail subject


Recruitment Specialist

✳️ #Recruitment Specialist Vacancy:

#AlArabiaGroup is one of the upcoming companies in the Egyptian market that specialized in trading #home_appliances that Owens a brand name “#LEVON” and an exclusive agent for an Italian brand name “#ROYAL_GAS” and French brand name “#ATLANTIC” and a Turkish brand name “#SIMFER”.
located in 10th of Ramadan city-Egypt
Seeking to hire: #RecruitmentSpecialist

•Implement company talent acquisition strategy.
•Conduct sourcing activities (otherwise Paid / Unpaid Channels) in order to fill open positions within the expected time to hire & time to fill standards.
•Attract qualified candidates in order to ensure and manage a respective candidates pool.
•Manage recruitment and selection processes (CV screening, screening calls, interviews etc.).
•Reviews employment applications and background check reports.
•Serve as a brand ambassador at various events, like career fairs or on-campus recruiting events.
•Build long-term relationships with past and potential candidates.
•Administer and submit all hiring paperwork for new employees.
•Create monthly reports on key talent acquisition metrics.
•Work closely with the marketing department to develop creative ways for addressing talent acquisition challenges.

✳Job Requirements:
•1 to 3 Years of experience in the same position.
•HR Diploma is a must.
•Max age is 29.
•Microsoft proficiency is a Must.
•Excellent Communication skills.
•Friendly with all social Media platforms (Paid and unpaid).
•Friendly with TS System.
•Able to Participate in an outing job Fairs in any other governorate.

✳For Applying:
Kindly send your CV to: [email protected]
And Mention Job title in the subject


Trade Marketing Manager

WE’RE HIRING Immediately!
“Trade Marketing Manager ”

To apply kindly send your updated CV to the following email and mention the job title in the subject “Trade Marketing Manager”.
[email protected]


Financial Analyst

NEWGIZA is hiring Now the following Position:
#Senior_Financial Analyst
1-Monitor performance indicators, highlighting trends and analyzing causes of unexpected variance.
2-Oversee and manage the continued development of Budgeting, Financial Forecasting, Operating Plan, and Modelling tools
3-analyze complex financial information and reports to provide accurate and timely financial recommendations to management for decision-making purposes.
4- Coordinate with different departments to obtain the required data to be used in the feasibility studies and the decision-making process.
5- Update existing financial models to support organizational decision-making.
6- Assist in preparing feasibility studies and consolidated 5-year business plans for multiple asset classes.
Job Requirements
#4+ years’ experience in Financial Analysis
#Background in the real estate industry is preferable.
If interested please send your resume to [email protected], please mention the required position in the subject


Electrical Maintenance Engineer

We are hiring Electrical Maintenance Engineer for our Factories: –
•Evaluates electrical systems by designing and conducting research programs; applying knowledge of electricity and materials.
•Develops manufacturing processes by designing and modifying equipment for building and assembling electrical components; soliciting observations from operators.
•Implementing designs.
•Creating test procedures.
•Writing reports and documentation.
•Perform detailed calculations to establish standards and specifications.
•Inspect installations and observe operations to ensure compliance with design and equipment specifications and safety standard.
•Keep current with the latest technical innovations in electrical engineering.
•Design, implement, maintain, and improve electrical instruments, equipment, facilities, and domestic purposes.
•Plan and implement research methodology and procedures to apply principles of electrical theory to engineering projects.
Job Requirements
•Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering.
•Minimum 2-5 years ‘of experience in a similar position
•Working in manufacturing industry is preferable.
•hydraulic systems experience.
•Good leadership and time management skills.
•Team Player, Self-motivated, Working under pressure, and hard worker.
If you interested kindly send your CV to the email: [email protected] with the writing “job title” in the subject of the e-mail.


R&D Specialist

R&D Specialist is needed to factory located in #6_OCT
Job Description :
– Implement the designated formulation through carrying out a series of experiments with an ability to correlate results for sequencing trials.
– Carry out experimental trials and validation methods for the analysis and quality control of products, and raw materials.
– Share in trials for re-development of products
B.Sc. in Science
Giza – Oct residence preferably
0-3 Years experience in Researches and Development in chemicals field
kindly send your cv to [email protected] and mention the job you apply for in the subject


operation Team leader

Any recommdation for Team leader operation for logistics company
EXP from 3-5 in shipping #shipping
from shipping company
From Cairo prefers
send CV
[email protected]


Customer Service Agents

We are hiring fluent English Speakers as a “Customer Service Agents” for a reputable company with the details below. 📍📍
#Fluent_English speakers (B2/C1)
Graduates and Undergrads are welcome to apply.
Voice and Non-voice accounts
Rotational shifts.
5 working days and 2 days off.
9 working hours including one hour break.
Candidate must be able to work from site.
Work location 6th October City
Gross Salary : 7000K
If interested kindly whatsapp me on 01064917888 with a screenshot of this post


Senior Property Consultant

A reputable Real Estate company provides high quality consultancy and advisory services in real estate investment in a collaboration with ITC-Egypt which is the only firm in Egypt specialize in Credit Repair and financial consulting Services needs to hire :

*** Senior Property Consultant ***

Job Summary
Attract new customers to achieve Monthly & annual targets through selling Real estate investment consultant services for potential clients.

Job Description:
– Generate leads
Generate leads through developing contact with potential customers in the industry by cold calling, emailing or scheduling meetings in person.

– Data Management
Rank clients in terms of importance according to the criteria of each segment to determine a profile for potential high-value customers.

– Achieving sales target
Meet weekly, monthly, and annual sales quotas through the successful implementation of sales and marketing strategies and tactics.
Maintain working relationships with existing clients to ensure exceptional service and identification of potential new sales opportunities.
Identify appropriate prospects, set appointments, make effective qualifying sales calls, and manage sales cycle to close new business in all service categories offered.

– General administration
Attend regular meetings with Sales Manager to review weekly/ daily/ monthly sales activities, progress on goals, and status of prospective customers.

Note: The above list of Key Performance Areas and job activities are not exhaustive. Infinity may instruct the employee at any time to carry out additional duties or responsibilities, which fall reasonably within the ambit of the job, or in accordance with operational requirements.

Job Requirements:
– Bachelor’s Degree from any discipline
– 3 – 5 Years of experience in the real estate industry
– Minimum 1 year of experience in similar role
– Real Estate industry experience is a must
– English language: Very good
– Preferable to have an experience with ERP & Sales software
– Communication & presentation skills
– Selling skills
– Result oriented
– Negotiation skills

– Competitive salary & commission
– Transportation allowance
– Mobile allowance
– Medical insurance

Interested Candidates send CVs at [email protected], while mentioning job title in the email subject.


Social Media Moderator

Hello, we are looking for a Social Media Moderator for immediate hiring at Hats Creative Studio
• Qualifications:
– Graduated
– 1-2 Years of experience
– Very Good writing skills “English and Arabic”
– Very good communication skills
– Willing to work and develop
– Multitasking and analytical skills
• Work Conditions:
-Location: Maadi
-Work from Saturday-Thursday (Saturday work from home)
Working remotely is available
-Salary: Based on experience
If you’re interested send your CV to [email protected]


Tele Sales

For one of the big trading companies in Egypt we are hiring urgently:
#Tele Sales
– Location: Nasr city
– Job Requirements:
-Bachelor Degree.
– Experience from 6 Mouth to 1 Year.
– Ability achieve target is a Must.
– females only can apply.
– very good English speakers only.
– Very good Communication skills
– Benefits:
– Basic Salary + commission
– Social and Medical insurance.
– Kindly send your CV to: [email protected]
and mention the job title in the subject.


محاسب عام

مطلوب محاسب عام لشركه كبري بمدينه نصر
* خبرة لا تقل عن سنتان
* يفضل من له خبرة سابقة فى التعامل مع الفروع وصالونات التجميل
* حد اقصى للسن 35 سنه
* يفضل من ساكنى مدينة نصر والاحياء المحيطة
* راتب يبدأ من 4000ج : 5000 ج
ويكون لدية المواصفات التالية:
* القدرة على التسجيل القيود المحاسبية بشكل يتناسب مع المعايير المحاسبة المصرية.
*اصدار ميزان مراجعة بالارصدة والمجاميع.
*تسجيل التعاملات مع الموردين وكشوف الحسابات والمطابقة بشكل مستمر.
متابعة الارصدة والرقابة على المخازن.
متابعة الفروع والاقفال اليومى معهم ومتابعة العهد المنصرفة وتوجية المصروفات على مراكز التكلفة.
*المتابعة الدورية لارصده العملاء والتحقق من التحصيل طبقا لجدول اعمار الديون.
*امساك الحسابات وترتيب الاعمال المستندية بشكل يحافظ على سلامة المستندات.
*متابعة حسابات البنك وعمل مذكرات التسوية بشكل يومى.
يرجي ارسال السي في علي الواتساب على الرقم
مع ذكر الوظيفه (محاسب )


Senior Backend Developer

We’re Hiring,
Senior Backend Developer
Job Requirements:
*Degree in Computer Sciences or Related Disciplines.
*3-4 Experience In Enterprise Application
Development using .net and or NodeJs Technologies:
*Hands-on experience in developing Web APIs Middleware, Windows Services, web applications, and API gateways.
*Exposure to Microservices and/or other service-based architectures.
*Hands-on experience in Net Framework and tools and exposure to Net .NET Core.
*Entity Framework.
*Databases MS SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB.
*Exposure to Docker.
*Hands-on experience in Git.
*Strong knowledge of Object Oriented Principles of architecture and design is an added advantage.
*Well-versed in communication (written & verbal).
**soft Skills:
**Team player
**Carries strong value for Quality and timelines commitments
**Quick learner
Job Type: Full-Time, remotely
Salary: 15000 To 22000
Find your opportunity today with us, Apply now!
Please send your updated CV to ([email protected])


IT Help Desk – Graphic Designer – Software Developer

Egyptian Group for pharmaceutical industries (EGPI ) is providing a opportunity for Fresh graduates as :
1_ IT Help Desk.
2_Social Media & 2D Graphic Designer.
3-Software Developer.
Location:El_Obour City.
Desirable Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, CS or any related field
Preferably a resident of Obour City and the surrounding area.
*mention job title in the subject.
kindly email your CV to
[email protected]


Onsite Engineer

We’re looking for “Onsite Engineer” :
*Job Description:
-Provide high level customer service and ensure compliance to all company’s rules and regulations.
-Ensure customer satisfaction by responding to customer enquiries in responsive manner.
-Daily on-site operations such service, scheduled maintenance, customer reporting.
-Will be working in 24×7 shifts.
-Resolve issues within SLA.
-Monitor the performance of the systems and respond to issues in timely manner.
*Job Requirements:
-Bachelor’s degree in communication / computer engineering.
-Strong business acumen and customer service attitude
-Knowledge of Windows operating system
-Basic knowledge of H/W troubleshooting and issues resolution
-English: Excellent command of (Speaking, reading and writing).
-Salary : 6600 gross (6000 salary+ 600 Transportation allowance)
*Location : #Alexandria #Cairo
*If you’re interested, send “Onsite Engineer” and your cv on Whatsapp:01098054418


(SEO) Specialist & Content Creator

We are hiring Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist & Content Creator
Located in Mansoura City
Job Description:
• Planning, developing and implementing SEO strategy according to marketing plan
• Driving the growth of organic traffic by building links for our website
• Writing effective SEO content for the website.
• Analyzing keywords and SEO techniques used by competitors
• Preparing and presenting reports regularly
• Collaborate with web developers and marketing team to stay up to date with the latest SEO and digital marketing trends and best practice.
Job Requirements:
• +1 year of experience as an SEO specialist.
• Working knowledge of search engine optimization practices.
• Experience in planning and implementing a successful SEO strategy.
• Strong experience in building external links.
• Experience with website optimization tools.
• Strong organizational, time management and analytical skills.
• Ability to work within a team and independently.
• Passionate about continual learning and applying what you have learned, specifically focusing on SEO best practices and SERP algorithm changes.
Job Specification:
• Job Type: Full Time
• Working Hours: from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Friday and Saturday off
• Workplace: From Office only Company Location in Mansoura City
• You must have your own laptop
Please send your CV on
[email protected]
The title of the message is SEO


Graphic Designer

We are hiring Graphic Designer for Digital marketing agency
Located in Mansoura City
• +2 years of experience as Graphic Designer
• Extensive experience in Photoshop and Illustrator
• Specialist at social media posts
• Think creatively, produce new ideas, concepts & layout, detail-oriented.
• Developing concepts, graphics, illustrations, and layouts for company logos, social media pages.
• Create different illustration styles.
• Designing logos and corporate identities.
• Up to date with the latest design trends & technologies.
• Up to date with the market competition.
Job Specification:
• Job Type: Full Time
• Working Hours: from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Friday and Saturday off
• Workplace: From Office only Company Location in Mansoura City
• You must have your own laptop
If you are Interested send your CV & your Behance to
[email protected]
The title of the message is Graphic designer


IT Technical Support Specialist

IT Technical Support Specialist
Alexandria – Egypt
Responsible for the analyses, design, configuration, testing, implementation, documentation, and maintenance of information system technology Solutions and applications, as well integration with other systems.
Requirements and Qualifications:
1- Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or related IT field.
2- Minimum 1 – 3 years of experience
3- Microsoft Dynamic CRM, SQL, CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, or other related IT certifications are required
4- Resident in West Alexandria is MUST
5- Gender: Male
6- Excellent problem-solving and communication skills
To Apply For This Job Please Send Your CV on Our Mail :
[email protected]


QA IPC Senior Officer

Pharmaceutical Company based in Egypt and Gulf located at 6th of October is hiring
QA IPC Senior Officer
· BSc of Pharmacy, Science
· 3-6 years of experience in pharmaceutical industry
· Good knowledge of QMS, GMP and EDA regulation
Job Summary
Monitor GMP compliance in manufacturing and storage facilities, along with sampling and IPC testing activities
· Monitors GMP compliance in the facility
· Performs in process sampling and testing.
· Performs validation sampling.
· Detects and reports deviations.
· Review batch records.
· Coach and support IPC officers.
Interested candidates can send their resumes to [email protected]
It is Important to mention QA IPC Senior Officer at the subject of the email


Electrical Site Engineer

#Sabbour is hiring Sr. Electrical Site Engineer
Location: 6th of October / New Cairo
10-12 years of experiance at the same field

If you are interested, please send your updated CV to [email protected] and mention job title in the subject line.


Operation Coordinator

Ship & Crew is hiring “Operation Coordinator” in Suez Operation Branch, with the following qualification:
– BSc. of Commerce /Arts OR other relevant.
– Years of experience in logistics and operation is a plus
– Able to work open area.
– Able to deal with customers
– Presentable and Excellent communicator
– Excellent in English language
– Microsoft office proficiency
– Suez Resident.
Please send your resume to: [email protected]


Marketing manager

– Marketing manager needed at big facility management- company located in New Cairo, excellent English, Min 5-7 years of experience with marketing, business development, super digital and social media area along with brand management, prefer experience with technology posts, or facility management, able to build the marketing team for the company, social level, min 5 years as manager, salary open
[email protected]

لمتابعة المزيد من الوظائف انضم لأكثر من نصف مليون متابع على صفحاتنا في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي:

  • انتهت المدة المحددة للتقديم على هذه الوظيفة!
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