تجميعة وظائف في مصر بتاريخ اليوم 11-9-2022.. “تخصصات ومؤهلات مختلفة”

انتهت صلاحية الوظيفة

تجميعة وظائف في مصر بتاريخ اليوم 11-9-2022.. “تخصصات ومؤهلات مختلفة”

– يرجى قراءة الإعلانات جيداً قبل التقدم لأي وظيفة.
– يمنع منعاً باتا دفع اي رسوم او اي مبالغ نقدية مقابل اجراء المقابلات او مقابل التوظيف.
– كمل لأخر الصفحة في وظائف كتير تحت.

الوظائف المتاحة:

موظف تنفيذي

مطلوب لمجموعة شركات الحاق العمالة بالخارج في مصر الجديدة

موظف تنفيذي

خبرة في مجال الحاق العمالة بالخارج
( تجهيز الجوازات \ تسجيل العقود \ مراجعة الوزارة \ عمل ملحق )
السن لا يزيد عن 40 سنة

لمزيد من المعلومات والتسجيل هاتفيا او واتساب على :


أمين مخزن

تعلن شركة مقاولات كبرى عن احتياجها
للوظائف الأتيه عدد 2 أمين مخزن
مكان العمل : سوهاج الشركة بتوفر سكن
الشروط : 1- خبرة بشركات المقاولات
يمكن للمرشحين المؤهلين إرسال سيرهم الذاتية للبريد الاكتروني التالي [email protected] ضروري جدا جدا كتابة في خانه الموضوع المسمي الوظيفي محل الأقامه المتقدم منها وسنوات الخبرة ولا يتم الألتفاف إلى غير ذلك


مهندس مكتب فني -سائق

تعلن شركة مقاولات كبرى عن احتياجها للوظائف الأتيه
عدد 2 مهندس مكتب فني ( حصر – مستخلصات – SHOP DRAWING )
عدد 2 سائق درجه ( ثالثه أو ثانية )
مكان العمل : التجمع الخامس
الشروط :
1- خبرة بشركات المقاولات
2- السائق مؤهل عالي
3- محل الأقامه مجاور لمنطقة العمل
يمكن للمرشحين المؤهلين إرسال سيرهم الذاتية للبريد الاكتروني التالي
[email protected]
ضروري جدا جدا كتابة في خانه الموضوع المسمي الوظيفي محل الأقامه المتقدم منها وسنوات الخبرة
ولا يتم الألتفاف إلى غير ذلك


محاسبين، مراقب مخزون، امين مخزن، مراقب انتاج

يعلن مجمع الرواد للصناعات التكميلية بمدينة بنى سويف
عن توافر فرص عمل :-
١ _ رئيس قسم العملاء
٢ _ محاسب عملاء
٣ _ رئيس قسم الموردين
٤ _ محاسب موردين
٥ _ محاسب خزينة
٦ _ مدير تكاليف
٧ _ محاسب تكاليف
٨ _ رئيس قسم البنوك
٩ _ محاسب بنوك
١٠ _ مراقب مخزون
١١ _ أمين مخزن
١٢ _ مراقب إنتاج

*شروط الخبره :-

_ الوظائف القيادية خبرة لاتقل عن ٣ سنوات في نفس المستوي الوظيفي المطلوب في المجال الصناعي

_ الوظائف الاخري خبرة لا تقل سنتين في نفس التخصص في المجال الصناعي

*ظروف العمل :-
1. عدد ايام العمل 6 ايام اسبوعيا و يوم راحة
2. عدد ساعات العمل 8 ساعات يوميا
3. يتم إحتساب العمل الاضافية حسب قانون العمل المصرى
4. توفير مواصلات

*المميزات :-
1. مرتب شهرى ثابت ( يحدد حسب الخبرة )
2. تأمين اجتماعى
3. تأمين طبى حكومى
4. تأمين طبى خاص
5. مسار وظيفى متميز
6. وجبه يومياً
7. منح مالية و عينى بالاعياد و المناسبات

*العنوان :-
المنطقة الصناعية الثالثة – العلالمة – بجوار معهد العلوم الادارية

*برجاء إرسال cv المتقدم الى الايميل التالى :-
[email protected]
*او ارسال cv الى الواتس اب فقط :-
HR/ Mohamed Gamal 01062809465
HR/ Ahmed Hamdy 01006976594


مدير مخازن ومدير انتاج

مطلوب لشركة كبرى بمدينة السادات
♦️ مدير مخازن ومدير انتاج ”
على أن تتوافر فيه الشروط الآتيه :-
1-مؤهل عالي مناسب .
2-خبرة لا تقل عن 10 سنوات .
3- السن لا يقل عن 35 سنه .
مميزات العمل :-
1- رواتب مجزيه .
2- بدلات وحوافز .
3- تأمينات اجتماعية وتأمين صحي .
لإرسال السيرة الذاتية على الواتس 01129941473


𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧

𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧 Vacancy at 𝐃𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
– Location: – New Cairo
– 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: –
– Real Estate experience is a Must
– 1:2 Years of Experience
– New Cairo Residents are Preferred.
– Excellent Command of English
– Excellent Communication Skills
-Excellent Microsoft Office Skills
– 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘.
– If you are interested, Send your updated CV via E-mail: [email protected]


سكرتير تنفيذي

مطلوب سكرتير تنفيذي للعمل بشركة مقاولات
1-يفضل ان يكون خريج تجارة انجليزي
2- خبرة 5 سنوات على الأقل
3- اجادة اللغة الانجليزية قراءة وكتابة
4- ان يكون خبرة في مجال شركات المقاولات
4- اجادة استخدام برامج الحاسب الالي
(الاكسل – الوورد – البوربوينت) وعمل العروض التقديمية اللازمة.
5- القدرة علي كتابة التقارير الاسبوعية والشهرية
6- القدرة علي التواصل مع الاقسام المختلفة
7-الاولوية للحاصلين علي الشهادات الاتية:
-MBA ماجستير ادارة الاعمال
-Business adminstrator ادارة الاعمال
-HUMAN RESOURCES. ادارة الموارد البشرية
– Managment information system. نظم المعلومات الادارية

مقر العمل مدينة نصر
يتم ارسال ال cv علي البريد
[email protected]


Operation Director

Operation Director “ reporting to the MD” needed at big chain-Finance/ Banking sector located in Cairo. Fluent English, Excellent pc skills, min 15 years of experience with remedial operation along with finance / banking exp is a must, Dynamic person, able to support the operation / Credit Admin- Portfolio management, NPG, along with collection department .excellent communications skills, Salary Open .
Send your resume along with your all experience letter, certifications is a must /Title/ units experience / recent photo/ job Number” to

[email protected]


Scrum Master

Scrum Master with 4+ years of relevant experience in Agile development including coaching on agile methodologies, Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems or related fields, Expert level proficiency with common project management tools such as Jira, Confluence, Microsoft Teams.. able to Maintain the scrum team capacity plan, scrum board, sprint backlog, velocity charts and burn down charts, Facilitate daily scrum, sprint planning, sprint demo and retrospective meetings, Address and eliminate impediments that require support from other teams and guide the team on how to remove impediments and provide appropriate issues escalation to the necessary levels.. salary open ++

Send your resume along with your all experience letter, certifications is a must /Title/ units experience / recent photo/ job Number” to

[email protected]


Facility Assistant

Facility Assistant needed at multinational oil/Gas company located in Zayed , fluent English, excellent pc skills, Excel mainly, super facility admin experience, from 0 to 1 year max, fresh grad accepted. active dynamic person, able to deal with expat, salary from 6k-8k.

Send your resume along with your all experience letter, certifications is a must /Title/ units experience / recent photo/ job Number” to

[email protected]


مهندسين معمارى

مجموعه هندسيه كبرى فى محال الاستشارات الهندسيه ومتابعه المشروعات مقرها بالقاهره تشهد توسعات كبرى وتطلب للعمل والتعيين بالوظائف التاليه
1/ مهندسين معمارى مكتب فنى خبره 5 سنوات يشترط من سكان القاهره
2 / مهندسين معمارى اشراف على التنفيذ والتشطيبات خبره خمس سنوات فى شركات كبرى يقبل العمل داخل القاهرة وخارجها
يرجى التواصل واتساب مع ذكر الوظيفة ولا يلتفت لاى محادثه لم يتم بها ذكر الوظيفه


مهندسين كهرباء

مجموعه هندسيه كبرى فى محال الاستشارات الهندسيه ومتابعه المشروعات مقرها بالقاهره تشهد توسعات كبرى وتطلب للعمل والتعيين بالوظائف التاليه
مهندسين كهرباء مكتب فنى خبره من سنتين الى اربع سنوات ويجيد برنامج الريفيت إجادة تامه
مهندسين كهرباء اشراف على التنفيذ خبره من ثلاث الى خمس سنوات فى البنوك
يشترط إجادة اللغة الانجليزية من سكان القاهرة ذكوووووووووور فقط
يرجى التواصل واتساب مع ذكر الوظيفة ولا يلتفت لاى محادثه لم يتم بها ذكر الوظيفه


محام عام

شركه النيل ….

الوظيفة : محام عام

مقر العمل : بالمعادي

الراتب : على حسب الخبرة ومن خلال المقابلة

لتحديد موعد مقابلة
برجاء ارسال ال cv


مسئول موارد بشرية

فرصة للانضمام لفريق عمل شركة #امان_لتمويل_المشروعات احدي مجموعة #راية_القابضة للاستثمارات المالية بالوظائف الاتية بمحافظة #اقليم_الدلتا :

1) مسئول موارد بشرية:

#المتطلبات :
• مؤهل عالي مناسب.
• حاصل على دراسات متخصصة بالموارد البشرية .
• خبرة لاتقل عن 3 سنوات في مجال الموارد البشرية (منهم سنة علي الاقل في قسم التوظيف).
• ذكور فقط.
• إجادة تامة للحاسب الآلي.
• اجادة اللغة الانجليزية.
• السن لا يزيد عن 28 .
• ان يكون من سكان محافظات : ( #المنوفية – #الشرقية – #الاسكندرية – #كفر_الشيخ ) #فقط

• الترقي الوظيفي المستمر .
• برامج تدريبية معتمدة من الغرفة التجارية الامريكية .
• تامين طبي – اجتماعي – حياة .
• رواتب و حوافز مجزية .
• برامج المكافاة السنوية للمتميزين .

#التواصل: ترسل #السيرة_الذاتية مع ذكر (اسم الوظيفة + المنطقة) علي :
[email protected]


محامين جدول عام وابتدائي

مطلوب محامين جدول عام وابتدائى لمكتب محاماه صباحي يشترط العمل من سكان مدينه نصر ومصر الجديدة ويتم تحديد المرتب بعد المقابلة
وللتواصل/ 01095351655


logistics Specialist – Sales

We are looking for
-logistics Specialist
– Sales for fair’s and exhibition
Kindly send me your Cv at [email protected]
with subject in title


Senior Purchasing Administrator

We are offering a good opportunity for a position of ” Senior Purchasing Administrator” to join our Bariq company in 6th of October city.

Job Description
-Evaluate suppliers based on cost, quality, and delivery, approve new suppliers and authorize purchase orders for goods and services.
-Follow-up on purchase orders to ensure that scheduled delivery dates are met.
-Obtain acknowledgements for all purchase orders, checking details and working with suppliers to resolve any discrepancies as appropriate.
-Control the suppliers’ invoices verifying that the quantity, description and price of each material match the requirements of the Purchase Order
Cross checking of shipping documents to ensure accuracy of shipping costs and tariff codes.
-Report problems with the food safety management system to the food safety team”.

Job Requirements
-Minimum 2 – 3 years of experience in purchasing field (prefer spare parts)
-Awareness of Plastic Material
-Good Communication and ability to interact with people.
-Negotiation skills
-Basic in English Language

Interested candidates are welcomed to send their CVs to: [email protected]



Al-Shorouk Construction is hiring the following positions:

+3 years of experience.
Job Code: ( TQM-01 )

+3 years of experience.
Job Code: ( TQE-01 )

+4 years of experience.
Job Code: ( QCS-01)

+4 years of experience.
Job Code: ( QCS-01)

** If you are interested kindly send your C.V to : [email protected] and mention Job Code on Subject.

Senior/ Projects Sales Engineer

Open Vacancies at SCIB Paints Company , Asian Paints Group
Titles:- Senior/ Projects Sales Engineer
Locations: (Cairo , Alexandria )
Department: Projects
Job Purpose
The position is that of frontline sales personnel who would primarily be responsible for growth and penetration of SCIB products in project sales segments in defined geography through lead conversions and product trainings to various stake holders like applicators, contractors and thereby achieving overall business objectives
· Bachelor degree specialized in civil, chemical engineering
· 2-6 years of experience as sales projects in civil construction / chemicals companies, paints and building material industry is must.
· Has a valid driving license and a car is Must.
· Excellent command of English language both written and spoken.
· Role involves visiting project sites which requires extensive travelling
· Proficiency with MS – Office, in particular MS – Excel is mandatory.
· Analytical skills
· Planning and result orientation
· Negotiation skills
· Communication skills- verbal and written
Interested candidates kindly send your updated CV with a recent photo of you to [email protected] and please mention the job title and area in the email.


Supply chain specialist

مطلوب Supply chain specialist خريج فنون تطبيقيه وخبرة بمجال الاثاث المنزلي للعمل بشركة اثاث في العاشر من رمضان

المهتم ممكن يبعت ال CV :
[email protected]


Financial Accountant

“financial Accountant” is required in a Multinational Bank.

* Responsibilities:
– Report on the Bank’s financial health and liquidity
– Audit financial transactions and documents
– Manage all accounting transactions
– Prepare budget forecasts
– Publish financial statements in time
– Analyze financial data to identify our company’s financial status
– Conduct cost and benchmarking analyses
– Prepare budget reports
– Develop financial models, taking legal limitations into consideration
– Participate in regular audits and recommend corrective financial action plans
– Manage balance sheets and profit/loss statements
– Handle monthly, quarterly and annual closings
– Reconcile accounts payable and receivable
– Ensure timely bank payments
– Compute taxes and prepare tax returns
– Reinforce financial data confidentiality and conduct database backups when necessary
– Comply with financial policies and regulations

* Requirements:
-BSc in Accounting, Finance or relevant degree
– Advanced MS Excel skills including Vlookups and pivot tables
– Experience with Audit financial transactions and documents
– 0-2 years of experience

Interested candidates kindly send me your CV on [email protected], mentioned the position in the subject line.


Full stack developer

Al-Ahly Momkn For E-payment is looking for Full stack developer with below requirements,

• BSc of computer science
• 2-4 years of experience
• Knowledge of front-end languages and libraries (e.g. HTML / CSS, JavaScript)
• Experience in AngularJS as a front-end language
• Experience in NodeJS as a backend language.
• Familiarity with NOSQL databases like MongoDB

Location: Maadi – Cairo
Interested candidates shall share their CVs through email “[email protected]


HR Coordinator

HR Coordinator for a reputed company located in fifth settlement
– Experience 1+ year in Personnel
– Microsoft Office skills mainly Excel, word, and outlook
– Good in English
– Fast learner
– Resident nearby New Cairo
– Preferred Male
– Package range 5:6k EGP

Interested candidate; please send a copy of your CV via WhatsApp 01069432666
🚫no calls, just msg please


Section Manager , Store Manager

Defacto is hiring Section Manager , Store Manager due the expansion plan ;
Store Location Cairo , Moqattam , Town Center , Maxim Mall
Giza , and Hurghada Senzo Mall
· Minimum 2:4 Years of experience in Fashion retail with minimum 2 years in management position.
· Good command of English.
· Strong managerial skills
· University degree
· Ability to use MS Office Programs effectively
· Prone to teamwork,
· Strong interpersonal skills


· Responsible to ensure the achievement of his/her section store operations (product management, visual operations, staff management) in best possible way and management of related staff within the scope of the company rules and agenda.
· Manage sales transactions fully in compliance with the written instructions within the scope of the company policy.
· If he/she has a responsibility to open and close the store, to fulfill this responsibility on time and in full.
· Comply with all instructions, procedures and regulations that have been notified by the headquarters and/or the store manager in writing and verbally.
· Work within the scope of the Daily Plans that have been generated and to follow up on the store daily plans from the notice board on a daily basis.
· Fulfill the orders and the instructions of the Store manager in full and on time
· Notify the Store manager regarding the violation of the financial and operational discipline rules related with the store.
· Comply with the shift time, order rules, work and industry discipline norms, occupational health and safety rules and norms, legal requirements and fire safety rules applied at the store
· Prepare the Daily Plans and to manage the daily jobs at the Section in his/her responsibility to be performed.
· Greet the customer in a manner to increase satisfaction, to ensure the customer to be helped according to the need.
· Train the staff on the properties of the products and to provide full information
· Monitor the quantities of the available products; to supply in case there are missing ones. To ensure the out-of-season products be changed.
· Make the preparations to store openings, campaigns and other marketing actions and other actions that are aimed to increase customer flow and thus to increase sales.
· Direct the visual merchandising processes regarding special days and campaigns.
please send your updated CV to
[email protected]
and mention Job title in the subject


Customer Service

We are hiring #Customer Service #English_Account for an Automotive Insurance Company Located in #Maadi_Cairo
– Bachelor Degree
– Experience : 0 to 6 months
– Job Location: Maadi – El-Mearag City

Interested candidates, kindly send your CV to
[email protected]


Senior Software Quality Control


– Senior Software Quality Control | 2 Years of Experience.
– BI Engineers | 1 Year of Experience or ITI Graduate.

If you’re interested please send your updated resume to [email protected] with the job title in the subject.


Hr. generalist

شركة صناعية بالسادس من اكتوبر
تعمل فى مجال الصناعات المعدنية
تطلب للتعين
Hr. generalist

متطلبات الوظيفة :
– ليسانس حقوق
– خبره من 1 : 3 سنوات
– اجادة التعامل مع برامج الاوفس
– يفضل من سكان اكتوبر والجيزة

المهام الوظيفية :
– التعامل مع الهيئات الحكومية ( التامينات – مكتب العمل – التامين الصحى -………..)
– اعداد وتسليم النماذج الخاصه بالتامينات والتامين الصحى ( س1 –س6 – س2
–استمارة الحصر – 111……..)
– المشاركه فى اعداد المؤثرات الشهرية للرواتب
– المشاركه فى عملية التوظيف
– متابعة الاعمال الادارية الخاصة بالشركة
– على دراية بقانون العمل والتامينات الاجتماعية
– لبق فى التعامل والقدره على انجاز المهام فى اسرع وقت

مميزات الوظيفة :
– تامين صحى خاص
– توفر الشركه مواصلات (خطوط سير )
– بيئة عمل صحية واستقرار وامان وظيفى
– موعيد العمل ( 7ص :3 م ) الاجازة الاسبوعية (الجمعة والسبت )

لمن تتوافر فيهم الشروط والمتطلبات برجاء ارسال السيره الذاتيه الى
[email protected]


Talent Acquisition Specialist

We are hiring “Talent Acquisition Specialist” (1 – 3 years),

If you are interested, please send your CV / resume to: [email protected] – mentioning “Talent Acquisition Specialist” in the subject line.


Marketing Specialist

Genesis International School – (Cairo Ismailia Road) is hiring a Marketing Specialist with the following qualifications:
– Fluent English.
– Minimum Years of experience is 2 years.
If you are interested send your updated CV to [email protected] with the job title in the subject line.


HSE Engineer

OMSI Group one of the top aluminum fabricator companies in Egypt is looking for an inspiring “Sr. HSE Engineer “to join our team.
Main tasks & duties :
– Set the technical standards of HSE.
– Proceed & supervise the implementation of HSE instructions.
– Implement a regular inspection for all work locations
– Execute internal auditing overall the company’s’ departments.
Job Requirements
– Bachelor degree in Engineering.
– (5 years) of experience.
– Very good command in English & Microsoft Package
– Excellent communication & managerial skills

Interested candidates, please send your CVs to: [email protected], mentioning the job title in subject line.


software test Engineer

Transsion is hiring
#senior _ software test Engineer
Job Description
-Collect and improve local network parameters
-Complete dynamic testing tasks in local and other countries
-Handle all network related issues within the team
-train new employees
-Cooperate with R&D to analyze and solve problems,
– Complete other tasks assigned by superiors

Job Requirements
– Bachelor degree of computer sciences/telecommunication or related majors
-Basic concept of user experience dimension
-Experience in mobile communication module testing

#workplace: fifth settlement

If you are interested to join our talented team send your c.v to

[email protected]


Costing Accountant

Costing Accountant needed,
Located in 6 October
Collecting and analysing data about a company’s
operational costs
performing account reconciliations
preparing audit reports and presenting their findings
to management
Recommending changes to the company’s processes
and policies to reduce cost and maximize
Advising executives and upper management on
appropriate costing based on financial data
Managing the company’s balance sheet and
accounting books
Supporting other company accountants with invoicing
and capital expenditure
In-depth knowledge of financial guidelines and
Work closely with Store to provide them with support
relating to cost related matters
If you are interested please send your CV to
[email protected]



I need to connect with the following profiles:

1. Front End Developers.
2. Back End Developers.
3. Dot Net Developers.
4. Angular Developers.
5. Full Stack Developers.
#frontend #backend #dotnetdeveloper #fullstack #angulardeveloper
Send your Cv to: [email protected] if you are looking for a vacancy


Digital Marketing Executive – Graphic Designer & Content Developer

A multinational company looking for :
– Digital Marketing Executive : main tasks to implement a quarterly calendar for digital marketing campaigns across all channels , manage the website, SEO, SEM and email marketing campaigns
– Graphic Designer & Content Developer : main tasks to Create and design various materials for print and digital collaterals , · Ensure final graphics and layouts are visually appealing and meet all brand guidelines , Requirements : from 2 to 4 years of experience , with excellent language skills pls send your Cvs at [email protected]


Property Consultant

𝐃𝐨𝐣𝐚 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 is Hiring
Property Consultant (Experience 1:2 years)
With the below Qualifications:
· Bachelor Degree
. Developer Commercial Experience is a MUST
· Excellent Presentation Skills
· V. Good Command of English
· V. Good Computer Skills
· Able To Achieve Sales Targets
Work Location: New Cairo

If Your Qualifications Matching the Job Requirements, Kindly Send Your Updated CV via E-mail: [email protected], Mention Job Title On the Subject


Branch Cash Treasury Accountant

Realme Egypt is hiring ” Branch Cash Treasury Accountant”
Location: Minya
Job Responsibilities:
1- Responsible for all cash-related receipts and payments( cash revenue, cash salary, cash expenses ..etc ).
2- Maintain banking relationships.
3- Accountable for custody and expanses for all departments.
4- Prepare KPIs and Incentive sheets.
5- Maintain a system of policies and procedures that impose an adequate level of control over treasury activities.

Job Requirements:
– Minya residents only can apply.
– Experience: at least 6 months of working experience as a treasury accountant or in any relevant field (A fresh graduate can apply).
– Education: Bachelor’s degree in finance or accounting or English commerce or Business.
– Language: Good in English.
– Office skills: Very good computer skills
– Be organized and principled, and Honesty, Good communication skills.

If you are interested please send your CV to: [email protected]
Mention the job title ( Branch Cash Treasury Accountant ) in the subject.
**Note that any mail without the mentioned subject will be ignored.


Digital Product Internship

Are you a fresh graduate looking for a Digital Product Internship in Casablanca ?

Here’s an opportunity for you !

MaxAB is hiring a Product Intern in Casablanca with the below qualifications:

-Master’s degree in Computer Science is a must.
-0 to 1 year of experience
-Fluency in English is a must

If you’re interested, please send your CV to [email protected] and mention “Product Intern” in the subject or apply using the below link:


Account Receivable Accountant

We are searching for Account Receivable Accountant to support our AR in visiting customers, and collections, get accurate data, get the reason for disputes on time, assist in issuing invoices, credit notes, provision …etc.

Graduated from faculty of commerce – English section – any additional accounting certificate is preferred
5 -6 years experience in dealing with customers & Accounting
Oil & Gas field is preferable

Computer skills
• Full computer literacy in word & Excel (advanced )

Language skills
• Arabic: Mother’s tongue.
• English: Fluent (Spoken & Written )

Other competent skills :
Demonstrated ability to multitask, manage and complete multiple priorities.
Excellent interpersonal skill
Excellent skills to negotiate in a cooperative and professional manner.
financial analysis skills

Work location : Maadi.

for apply kindly send your updated resume to [email protected]
mention (accountant ) in subject


Technical Office Engineer

Khalifa Construction is hiring a Technical Office Engineer
About the work
Job title: Junior Technical Office Engineer
Vacancy: 2
Job location: 1- 6th of October
2- 5th Settlements
Job type: Full Time 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Report to: Projects Manager

Job Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree in Civil or Architecture Engineering
Previous experience in Finishing Field.
Experience 3 years at least as a technical office engineer.
Microsoft Excel Advanced User.
Microsoft Project is a prefer.
AutoCAD Excellent User.

Time Schedule.
Cash Flow.
Client invoices.

if you’re interested Kindly Send your Updated Resume to: [email protected]


Design Engineer


Job Title: Design Engineer

Job Qualifications:
1- Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering.
2- 3:4 years of experience in design steel structure.
4- Ability to handle International loading and design codes.

Location: Egypt, Cairo -Nasr city
Apply: [email protected]
Please only apply if you fitting the Job Requirements mentioning the Job title at the Email Address.


Executive Secretary – office manager

Arab Poultry Breeders (OMMAT) urgently hiring
position: Executive Secretary – office manager

Requirement :
Experience from 3-5 years in the same position
Good command in English and computer
Location: Al Remaya – Haram – Giza
Please send your CV with the subject to email: [email protected]


مندوب مبيعات

مطلوب لشركة #الأصيل لإستيراد وتجارة الأدوات الصحية الآتى..
– مندوب مبيعات خارجية( كل المحافظات ).
– مندوب مبيعات داخلية. (مقر الشركة مدينة نصر -القاهرة).
المواصفات المطلوبة:
– مؤهل جامعى.
– لبق ولطيف وودود مع العملاء.
– يُفَضَل الخبرة بالمجال.
* راتب يبدأ من 3000 ج + عمولة .
& التواصل طوال أيام الأسبوع ما عدا الجمعة والأحد..
واتس اب : 01012931555
مقر الشركة: مدينة نصر القاهرة.


Senior Mobile App Developer

Role : Senior Mobile App Developer (Flutter)
Work Location : 6th of October, Giza, Egypt
Number of working hours : 9 working hours, rotational basis
Day off : 2 days off rotation
(Preferably 6th of October residents or nearby)
2Coom is a management consulting firm specialized in supporting SMEs & start-up business.
2Coom is built on a mindset of utilizing historical data analytics, cross function analysis & market analysis to empower small and medium enterprises to make better business decisions as well as to build the most efficient framework for start-up business with accordance to stakeholders vision and industry nature.
Job Description
We are looking for an experienced Flutter Developer who will establish our talented software team that works on mission-critical applications. Your duties will include managing Flutter (Android, iOS) application development while providing expertise in the full software development lifecycle, from concept and design to testing.
You should have good experience in building high-performing, scalable, enterprise-grade applications and be able to write clean code and ensure your programs run properly. We also expect you to be passionate about building software and perform well working in a team, along with developers, engineers, and web designers.
• Planning, coding, documenting, testing, debugging, and maintaining mobile apps.
• Building mobile apps using the Flutter framework.
• Translating designs and wireframes into high-quality code.
• Publishing mobile apps to different app stores like Google Play Store & Apple App Store.
• Collaborate with the other team members to estimate, define, design, document, and ship the application’s new features.
• Continuously work on bug fixing, code refactoring, and improving the mobile app performance.
• Participate in all phases of the development life-cycle.
• Design and develop high-volume, low-latency applications for mission-critical systems and deliver high-availability and performance
• Create well-designed, testable, efficient code
• Assist in the preparation and production of releases of software components
• Ensure designs comply with specifications
• Investigate alternatives and technologies and present them for architectural review, to support continuous improvement
Job Requirements
• 4+ years of experience working with mobile development.
• 2-year experience in Flutter Development.
• Must show your previous work.
• BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject.
• Deployed at least 3 apps
• Have experience with Flutter for both iOS and Android.
• Familiarity with RESTful APIs, and GraphQL APIs.
• Knowledge of modern authorization mechanisms, such as JSON Web Token.
• Ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements.
• Familiarity with code versioning tools.
• Flux, Redux, and Rxjs are Preferred
• Know how to deal with different screen sizes.
• Experience with version control such as Git and SVN.
Required Skills:
• Good communication skills.
• Strong problem-solving skills.
• Team worker.
• Very comfortable learning new technologies, tools, and platforms.
• Highly motivated.
• Initiative and passion.
• Have shipped applications to the App Store or Google Play Store
Send My Your Cv On
whats’App 01022006410
Email: [email protected]


Sales Coordinator

Mamiba Cosmetics Factory are Hiring Now :

#Sales Coordinator (1-3)Experience

Generate new business, close deals, and increase revenue by cold calling, on-site visits and sales tours, and community networking

Identify new business leads by examining local market trends and competition activities

Establish and grow our market share by developing and maintaining relationships with major group and catering clients

Supports the director of sales and marketing in preparing the department budget as well as the hotel’s overall sales goals and strategy

Conduct yourself as a professional representative of the hotel at various industry tradeshows, conferences, and adhere to the guidelines of the budget and marketing plan

bachelor’s degree in business or related field preferred

Must have previous sales experience working in the hospitality industry

1-3 years of experience in sales management or in a leadership role in the sales department, preferably in hospitality Is A must

Understands how to communicate, negotiate, and network effectively

Good organization and time management skills

– intermediate in English language
– Attractive Salary
– 9 working hours.
– Bachelor’s degree.
– Creative, Flexible.

– El Mohndsin – Giza

Please send your updated CV with Behance Portfolio to mail:
[email protected]
Or Whatsapp :
with the Vacancy in Subject.


Recruitment specialist

The Waterway Developments is seeking to hire a #Recruitment specialist with 2 years of experience in HR is a Must , the Real Estate field is preferable. Irrelative Experience will be neglected
Males are welcome to apply
Interested candidates shall send the updated cv to [email protected] with the title in the subject


IT Help Desk Engineer

Qsource is looking to #hire #immediately ( IT Help Desk Engineer ) for international company working in food & beverage field .
Location : Delta ( Tanta )
Working Hours : 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Day off : Friday , Saturday

Requirements :
Graduated from Computer Science or Relevant.
Experience : 1 to 2 years
English : Good
Have a pervious experience on Ticketing System ( Is a must )

Job Description :
Installation, configuration and maintenance of PCs, printers, networking equipment and network operating systems.
Rolling out new equipment, as well as performing corrective and preventative measures on existing equipment.
Configuration of authentication, authorization and directory services.
Maintenance of network facilities in individual machines, such as drivers and settings of personal computers as well as printers etc.
Keep an eye out for needed updates
Support and administer third-party applications
Set up user accounts, permissions and passwords
Resolve problems reported by end user
Implementing network security policies
Rolling-out new versions of the applications on staging and production environments including monitoring performance and security.
Handle user and asset management by managing users, roles, and permissions and keep the inventory of hardware, software and applications

If you are interested send us your cv
[email protected] mentioning the job title in the subject with your expected salary.


IT Help Desk

We are #hiring IT Help Desk


• Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering/ Computer Science, Electronics and Communications Engineering

• Understanding the needs of both internal and external customers and be committed to delivering an excellent service.

• Ability to work well with others in pursuit of business aims.

• Ability to make realistic decisions and is willing to take the responsibility for acting on their own initiative.

• Sound technical knowledge on the related business areas.


• MCP, MCSA Certification, etc. preferred, with 2 -4 years of Experience in a relevant field.

• Technical experience with Windows Operating Systems, Active Directory, Virtualization technologies, Voice over IP and IP technologies, Antivirus systems, etc.

• Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within information technology.

To apply kindly send your CV via mail: [email protected] and mention job title


Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer

We would like to announce that EME ITis Growing and Recruiting a Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer
Educational degree and specialty :
• Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or Engineering, or equivalent work experience.
• Experience with Microsoft Dynamics AX2012.
• Experience in D365 for finance and Operations .
• Candidates ideally would possess 3-5 years of related experience
Candidates with matching qualifications can send their CVs to:[email protected] .


Senior Operation

HD Lease is seeking to hire Senior Operation :
Job Description :
Implementing the operations process in line with the business requirements
Ensures that all executed transactions are recorded and reported on a timely basis
Revises the authenticity and accuracy of received documents from internal and external parties for accounting purposes
Running payment orders after verifying that the invoices received match the executed transactions
Reviews accounting reports for management & clients
Any other duties may be assigned by the operations Management
Qualifications, Experience & Skills
Bachelor’s degree in business
Project management certification is preferred
3-5 Years of experience in the same field.

Send your CV [email protected]


Administration Manager

Administration Manager needed at big company located in zayed, Excellent English, Excellent pc skills, min10-15 years of experience with administration-operations, able to lead all facility management along with the medical operations, fleet, purchasing area, excellent communication skills, able to handle all operation- Facility management / HSE , x multinational companies prefer . salary from 55k-70k
[email protected]


Database developer

Cysheild looking for Database developer

3 years of experience in DB oracle or sql.

Location: Sheraton , Cairo

Please share your cv to
[email protected]

Good luck to all 🙂


مندوب مشتريات

مندوب مشتريات خبرة عمل في المقاولات الكهربائية , مكان العمل مدينة نصر , السن لايزيد عن 35 عام برجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية علي
[email protected]



مطلوب لشركة كبري في مجال التوظيف
محاسب خبرة سنتين علي الاقل
و يجيد الاعمال الادارية
اجادة تامة للغة الانجليزية
اجادة MS office
ترسل ال cv علي
[email protected]
كاتبة كود الوظيفة في ال subject


Structural technical office engineer

For an Engineering office located in Alexandria,
We are hiring Structural technical office engineer with a structural shop drawing background.
From 2:5 years of experience.
Knowlage with revit is prefered.
For interested candidates with related experience please send CV to [email protected]



We’re looking to hire an Experienced Copywriter, Full time position.
Responsibilities for the native English-Speaking Copywriter:
• Write sales copy for a variety of media including social, video, FB, IG, Google, YouTube etc.
• Write sales advertorials, review pages, website content and ad content
• Drive brand consistency across all company communications
• Stay current on trends and competitors within the direct response space
• See projects through the whole creative lifestyle, from inception to deployment
2 to 5 years’ experience in sales copywriting & writing ads
Strong creative thinking skills and ability to think conceptually
Comfortable working independently with little direction under tight deadlines
Excellent English writing, editing, and proofreading skills with a diligent eye for detail, language, flow, and grammar
Need to have great grammar skills
Job located Heliopolis, for interested candidates, kindly send our updated cv mentioning the job title in the subject line to: [email protected]


Personnel Specialist

Leading microfinance institute is hiring #Personnel Specialist at #Dokki, Cairo
– Prepare and renew employees’ contracts
– Receive the required hiring documents and establishes personnel file.
– Prepares paperwork required to place employee on payroll
– Follow up on employees’ attendance, track absences (regular/ irregular), and send legal warnings accordingly.
– Implement administrative penalties (absence without permission / delay / non-departure and keeping a hard copy of the records for each department)
– Receipt of grievances and penalties’ memos and ensure its conformity with the regulations, the investigations of the Legal Affairs
– Responsible for employees’ movements according to company’s policies.
– Ensure complies with legal requirements and adherence to internal policies
– Administrate health and life insurance programs
– Responsible for employee termination and end of service settlements
– Bachelor Degree in Business or any related field
– 0 to 2 years of experience
– Team player, proactive and positive attitude
– Strong computer skills in MS Office suite
If you meet the above requirements and want to join our dynamic team, please send your updated CV to [email protected]


HR Specialist

Leading microfinance institute is hiring #HR Specialist at #Dokki, Cairo
– Responsible for the hiring process by preparing and publishing job posting, reviewing resumes, performing telephone, inperson, zoom interviews and reference checks.
– Conduct new employee orientation programs to foster positive attitude toward Company goals.
– Conduct job analysis and ensure all job descriptions are updated.
– Manage the annual performance evaluation process and cyclical activities.
– Prepares training plans in cooperation with direct supervisors and track implementation.
– Administering health and life insurance programs.
– Assess organizational climate by getting employees` surveys and implement the organizational change activities as a response of employees’ feedback.
– Bachelor Degree in Business or any related field
– From 0 – 2 years of experience
– Team player, proactive and positive attitude
– Strong computer skills in MS Office suite
– HR certificated is a must
If you meet the above requirements and want to join our dynamic team, please send your updated CV to [email protected]



Hiring Now
· A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field.
· Proven working experience in web programming.
· Top-notch programming skills and in-depth knowledge of modern HTML/CSS.
· Familiarity with at least one of the following programming languages: PHP, ASP.NET, Javascript or Ruby on Rails.
· Experience with database systems such as SQL and Oracle.
· Basic knowledge of Search Engine Optimization.
· Aggressive problem diagnosis and creative problem solving skills.
· Ability to multitask with strict time constraints, budgets and business goals.
· Strong communication skills
Please send your CV “Subject: Web Developer CV” to [email protected]



Rowad Modern Engineering is seeking to hire the following positions for multiple projects in north coast
1-Electrical Site Team Leader Engineer
2-Senior Electrical Site Engineer
3-Electrical Site Engineer
4-Mechanical Site Team Leader Engineer
5-Senior Mechanical Site Engineer
6-Mechanical Construction Manager
7-Electrical Construction Manager
Main Requirements:
1-Experience in commercial and residential projects is a must.
2-Experience in construction companies is a must.
3-Willingness to relocate outside Cairo.
If you meet the above criteria please send your updated resume to [email protected] mentioning the job title in the email subject line.


Warehouse Assistant Supervisor

PepsiCo is hiring “Warehouse Assistant Supervisor” in October Plant
-Bachelor’s of Engineering.
-3 – 5 years experience in LD&T related activities.
-Good command of English language.
-Good managing people skills.
-Very good knowledge of computer office programs (excel, powerpoint and word) and ERP systems.
-Strong Leadership skills
-Excellent communication skills.
-Ability to deal with diverse backgrounds.
-Good analytical thinking skills to be able to identify opportunities.
-Good presentation skills.
-Good understanding of basic financial analysis
If interested send your CV to [email protected] with the subject “Warehouse Assistant Supervisor”


Admin Assistant

Only If you can handle a ONE-day off per week, with #Excellent command of #English
#Admin Assistant
( #Team_Assistant supporting the engineering team)
– Work experience in Engineering Company is a must.
– 2-6 yrs exp. maximum
– Male/Female
– #Fluent #English
– excellent knowledge of MS office specially power point presentation and Excel sheets.
-excellent reports & email writing
Location: #Ramsis #Downtown and soon to be relocated to #New_Cairo
***Working hours: 8:30 – 5:00
*** Only #Friday off
*** #Salary range of 10k
To apply, pls send your CV with a recent #Photo to:
[email protected]
Job code (Admin-Alarm)


Sales Indoor

نظرا للتوسعات و افتتاح فروع جديدة
شركة الليثي اوتو جروب تطلب : Sales Indoor
في جميع فروعها (مصر الجديدة ، شيراتون ، مدينه نصر ، التجمع ، زايد )
*متطلبات الوظيفه :
-خبره سابقه لا تقل عن سنه في مجال بيع السيارات ( زيرو – مستعمل ) .
– حسن المظهر.
-مهارات تواصل جيدة مع العملاء.
* ساعات العمل :
– 8 ساعات ( شيفتات متغيره).
– يوم اجازه بالتبادل.
* المميزات :
– مرتب مجزي .
– عمولات فوريه .
-تآمين طبي.
– تأمين صحي .
-تآمين اجتماعي.
للتقديم او للاستفسارت عن طريق ارسال السيرة الذاتيه علي رقم واتساب : ٠١٠٩٩٢٥١٥٠٤
الايميل : [email protected]
و سوف يتم التواصل معكم لتحديد موعد المقابله .


Admin Executive

*Sheikh Zayed Residents Only to apply please*
Admin Executive Position in Sheikh Zayed
Location: 3sixty Pilates Studio
TWELVE (Majjara)
– Potential candidates need to be fun and energetic!
– Fluency in English is a must.
– Comfortable around technology.
– He / She will be in charge of handling clients, bookings, scheduling and responding to inquiries about the business.
Working hours: From 8am till 4pm
(Under Grads are welcomed for internships- as long as they can commit to the working hours and fit the criteria)
If you find yourself a fit,
email: [email protected]
Subject title: Admin Vacancy
Telling us in brief what makes you the one for the job!


Sales Specialist

Social Doctor, LLC (Digital Marketing Company) is looking for a Sales Specialist.
Skills & Requirements:
Good communication skills.
Minimum Experience in digital marketing.
University Graduate
Great presentation skills.
Cairo resident.
Location: Masaken Sheraton.
Decent salary and very attractive commission structure.
Kindly send your updated CV to [email protected].


Business Developer

Talent Navigator is hiring Business Developer Located in Maadi
_Bachelor’s degree
_ 6 min experience in the same role
_previous outsource experience is highly preferred
_previous experience with B2B Business Development
_Proficient in MS Office
_Excellent command of English (Written & Verbal)
-Identifying and researching potential clients
-Reaching out to new customers.
-Maintaining relationships with all potential and existing clients.
-Coordinate with sales teams to develop mutually beneficial proposals.
-Make and give presentations to prospective clients and internal executives.
-Conduct ongoing market research
-data reporting to management and gathering marketing intelligence.
-Track, identify and add qualified prospects to sales pipeline.
-Drive the end-to-end sales process.
⬛ Working Conditions
-Fixed shifts 9_6
-2 days off (Friday, Saturday)
⬛ Benefits
-Social insurance
-Mobile allowance
If you’re interested please send your cv to [email protected]
Mail subject: Business Developer


System Administrator

We are hiring:
SAFECOTECH Solutions is hiring System Administrator intern for a period of 3 weeks, and then work immediately on our sites. The candidate must be a resident of Cairo or Giza and can work offline 5 days per week.
We are looking for a System Administrator to maintain, upgrade and manage software, hardware and networks of our clients.
• Install and configure software and hardware
• Manage network servers and technology tools
• Set up accounts and workstations
• Monitor performance and maintain systems according to requirements
• Troubleshoot issues and outages
• Ensure security through access controls, backups and firewalls
• Upgrade systems with new releases and models
• Develop expertise to train staff on new technologies
• Build an internal wiki with technical documentation, manuals and IT policies
Requirements and skills
• Proven experience as a System Administrator, Network Administrator or similar role
• Experience with databases, networks (LAN, WAN) and patch management
• Knowledge of system security (e.g. intrusion detection systems) and data backup/recovery
• Familiarity with various operating systems and platforms
• Resourcefulness and problem-solving aptitude
• Excellent communication skills
• BSc/Ba in Information Technology, Computer Science or a related discipline; professional certification (e.g. Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)) is a plus.
Prospective candidates can send their updated resume via email:
[email protected] [email protected]
With subject: System Administrator.
# SAFECOTECH # No_Success_Without_Professional_Access


Technical support Engineer

Enterprise Business Solutions Company located in 6 of October is hiring “Technical support Engineer”..
Requirements and skills:
• Proven work experience as a Technical Support Engineer, Desktop
Support Engineer, IT Help Desk Technician or similar role
• Hands-on experience with Windows/Linux/Mac OS environments
• Good understanding of computer systems, mobile devices and other tech products
• Ability to diagnose and troubleshoot basic technical issues
• Excellent problem-solving and communication skills
• Ability to provide step-by-step technical help, both written and verbal
• BS degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or relevant field
• Additional certification in Microsoft, Linux, Cisco or similar technologies is a plus.
–Attractive salary upon your skills..
–If you interested please send your CV on WhatsApp : 01003575021


IT Help Desk Specialist

HR_Stations . On behalf of our partner “a leading company in production” , We Are Hiring :
Job Title : IT Help Desk Specialist .
Job Description
•Maintain help desk support and resolve problems to the end user’s satisfaction.
•Check and respond quickly and effectively to requests received through the IT help desk.
•Check service desk for tickets assigned to the queue and process first-in first-out based on priority.
•Check configurations, utilities, software default settings, etc. for the local workstation.
•Ensure each workstation has a computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard drive, and any additional specialized equipment.
•Install, test and configure new workstations, peripheral equipment and software.
•Review inventory of all equipment, software and software licenses.
•Follow up issues for escalation and check as appropriate.
•Coordinate PC setup and deployment for new employees using standard hardware, images and software.
•Assign users and computers to proper groups in active directory.
•Carry out timely workstation hardware and software upgrades as required.
•Assist in the management of printers, copiers, and print servers.
•Emphasis on providing first call resolution to provide high customer service.
•Work with other IT team to document and maintain technical documentation of the issues.
•Configure and troubleshoot hardware as necessary (computers, printers, mobile phones, networking, etc.).

•Bachelor’s degree, Preferred in Computer Science, or equivalent discipline.
•Minimum of 2 years’ experience in a similar position.
•Experience in configuration and administration for windows 7, 8, 10.
•Knowledge in Windows server services “” AD, DNS, DHCP, IIS …etc.”
•Knowledge in networking (VPN, Virtualization, and firewall).
•Age: from 22 to 30 years old
Job Location :
•10th of Ramadan City, Sharqia, Egypt– Egypt
How to apply:
•Interested candidates can send their CV to “ [email protected] ” and mention the job in mail subject..


QA Validation Officer

Future Pharmaceutical industries (FPI) is hiring
QA Validation Officer
Why FPI?
Future Pharmaceutical Industries (FPi) is an Egyptian pharmaceutical company committed to produce and secure the availability of safe and effective medicines for all.
In joining FPi, you are given the opportunity to grow professionally through an environment that supports and provides you with the tools you need to learn and move forward in your career. We are committed to attract and retain highly talented employees.
Job Overview: Perform all validation activities needed during qualification phases and manufacturing processes, according to approved work instructions and cGMP regulations.
Required Qualifications:
Education: B. Sc. Of Pharmacy or Science.
Experience: Previous Experience in a pharmaceutical industry,
from [1- 3] years in the same position.
Knowledge: Knowledge of EU-GMP, WHO and ISO Regulations.
Good command of English Language and computer skills.
Time management skills and good communications skills.
Work Location: Badr City
If interested, kindly send your updated CV with a recent photo to
[email protected]
mentioning the job title and area in the e-mail subject
“Only potential candidates will be contacted”


PSP Project Manager

A healthcare consultancy is hiring a PSP Project Manager for a patient support program sponsored by a well established multinational pharmaceutical company.
Job Overview:
The candidate will be responsible for the execution of the project. Program Manager will manage day to day activities, provide project guidance, support, monitor the project progress and ensure the completion of the milestones as per the defined timelines. Program Manager will also be responsible for regular communication with the client as well as identifying key issues, gaps and creating corresponding action plans and corrective measures.
Key Responsibilities:
-Onboarding of the new Call Center agents and ensure the receipt of initial Project specific trainings.
-Plans, controls and monitors development work while motivating a team.
-Daily/weekly checks of the planned activities versus completed to identify gaps.
-Ensure the completion of tracking tools on the same day of completing activities.
-Highlight any gaps and understanding root cause, corrective & preventive action plan should be created in case of repeated issues.
-For assigned task, formulates a proposed approach, plan and schedule and estimates time to meet business objectives.
-Review of the Adverse event reporting forms.
-Ensure project specific files are maintained throughout the project life cycle, quarterly checks of files completion and updates.
-Ensure regular tracking of project’s Pass-through expenses.
-Identifies emerging issues/risks and their implications and propose solutions.
-Manages staff involved in call center.
-Reports on progress towards business objectives and discuss future directions.
-Establish the program framework and implementation process with clear timelines and deliverable
-Ensure the development and timely delivery of monthly program status reports
-Cross-functional collaboration with internal functions as per program needs and requirements
-Assesses project risks and specifies contingencies.
Job Requirements:
-Experience in the pharmaceutical market access industry.
-Minimum 2-3 years experience on Patient support program field.
-Strong understanding of patient support programs in the life science industry.
-Excellent knowledge of patient communication skills
-Demonstrates competent project management skills with proven time management and personal organizational skills.
-Good team-based interpersonal skills but also an ability to work independently.
-Energetic, dynamic and self-driven individual with excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills, communicating well with patients & HCPs.
If you are interested, please send your CV to:
[email protected]


Customer Facing Specialist

We are currently hiring Customer Facing Specialist (Ordering/ Supply Chain)

Job Description:
SPOC for all transactional activities performed on customer orders or subsequent documents, until and including Billing.
Key Accountabilities:
• Maintain customer relationship as per assigned portfolio; assess and improve customer satisfaction
• Assist issue resolution and exception management in the Deliver tower
• Create and maintain customer DTPs and inform relevant processing parties of customer tailored procedures (OM
Specialist, Collector)
Key Responsibilities:
• Call and receive calls from customers with relation to orders; consult ERP if required, or defer to OM Specialist for
advanced troubleshooting
• Consult customer on ERP availabilities (routes, lead times, stock availability)
• Liaise between OM Specialist, Logistics and customer for solving transport exceptions

– 1-3 Years Experience in Supply Chain
– Attention to Details
– Sap Knowledge Preferable
– Excel Basic Skills

If you are interested kindly send you cv to [email protected] mentioning Customer Facing Specialist in the subject



Al-Shorouk Construction is hiring the following positions:

+20 years of experience.
Job Code: ( SSE-07 )

+15 years of experience.
Job Code: ( SSE-06 )

+10 years of experience.
Job Code: ( SSE-05)

** If you are interested kindly send your C.V to : [email protected] and mention Job Code on Subject.

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